Friday, November 04, 2005

Next Stop...

São Paulo, Brazil. It was founded by the Jesuits in 1554, on a plateau 2,493 feet above sea level, but only 45 miles from the coast, as a mission center for early settlers and the indians who inhabited the area. Today it is the industrial and financial center of Brasil generating over 30% of the GNP. We are excited to visit there and see it. It's the biggest city in South America!

We're definitely going to see the Statue of the Bandeirantes! They were early explorers that travelled West and North to the Amazon River. Thankfully, Alejandra and Ignacio are going to travel with us on this leg of our trip, as well. And guess what?! Anapaulalana is coming, too! Abdul is whispering something to Fatima right now, and I can tell he's having a hard time with her. Seems she would rather stay here with her hammock... (Unfortunately, the hotel staff confiscated it, and aren't willing to part with it, so we can't take it with us.)

Anyway, I hope we'll be underway soon! I am really enjoying Brazil, it is beautiful, and the weather is AWESOME! It's so good for a Chicken's feathers. Abdul is making some plans in secret, though. I have been wondering what he has up his saddle since we left Texas. Oh well, I guess we'll see when the time comes.

Until then,
Vaya con Dios,

Oh, and here's a picture of all of us on the beach in Rio! As you can see, we all got a little carried away with the feathers, but oh what fun we had!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Lupe & Abdul's Future

All previous Posts here... In order.

Hey, Diary!My name is Lupe LaPico (Lupe The Beak for you English-speakers). Anyway, my friend O'Rita passed you on to me so that I could keep a chronicle of my adventures with my love, Abdul. In case you didn't know, Abdul is a camel and he is an ordained minister. He married my friends, O'Rita and Cosmo. We are going on a trip around the world, and I'm going to keep you informed every step of the way. Get ready diary! We're in for an adventure!
First stop...
Is San Antonio, TX! Abdul needs a pair of cowboy boots so we are going to stop at Saks Fifth Avenue and parking garage at the North Star Mall. This is home of the worlds largest pair of cowboy boots, so I'm sure we will have good luck finding some that fit his large hooves. Our next stop is to tour the Alamo. Abdul thinks his 2nd couisn twice removed fought in the battle, so we are going to look for records hidden in the basement! Abdul is VERY excited about visiting this lengedary place. We will also fill up his hump with water from the riverwalk!After we do all this we will be quite hungry. So I was planning on going to the American Tailgaters Association for some down home fun in a parking lot! I just hope they are not serving up chicken. Abdul is craving an Indian taco, so I'm hoping they will be fixing those!
Well, Abdul just left me onto his back so we are off! I will cluck with you later, dearest diary.
Hola Mi Amiga!
Day 2 in San Antonio was quite a fiesta! I am currently nursing Abdul's strawberry margarita hangover by gently massaging his hump. Thank goodness I have a high tolerence for Tequila since I am a native Mexican Cluck or else we would both be in trouble!Speaking of my native land...I need to express to you something I've been clucking to myself for a very long time. There is something Abdul and I must do first before we travel anywhere else. I have a plan diary. Oh yes, I have concockted quite a wonderful plan to rescue the other hens that are still living on Horatio's egg slave compound. I'll tell you more about it later but for right now I need to keep rubbing Abdul's hump so he is fresh to navigate Fatima (our versitile and not to mention fabulous magic carpet!).
NEXT STOP.....Chijuajua, Mexico for: Operation Rescatar Pollo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Diary, you won't believe it! It was amazing! Horacio doesn't know what HIT HIM! Of course, Abdul and I stopped and enlisted the help of our friends, Alejandra and Ignacio. Fortunately, Ignacio has branched out, and had access to a cargo plane/pontoon boat combo. Here's what happened:Abdul and I swooped in under the cover of night, and we flew right into the chicken coop on Fatima. Of course, this caused a bit of a stir, but soon the clucking stopped and the chickens listened to us as we explained the plan. About an hour later, we heard the sound of an airplane approaching, and everyone tensed to make a move.
Suddenly, the lights flashed on in the house! We were all frozen! Had I come back just to die at Horacio's hands??? We all watched the house in anticipation, and saw Horacio's shadow walking down the hall. He stepped into the bathroom, and we all released a cluck of relief. I looked up in the sky, and I have to say that that burro behind the wheel of that plane was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen! Ignacio swooped down into the pond, as discussed, and we clucked our way out of the hen house. I guided the chickens onto the plane, and then went back to make sure that they were all out of the hen house. As I walked out of the hen house to tell the plane to take off, HORACIO walked into the pen. I started clucking, and acting like I belonged there. He stormed past me into the hen house, and Abdul swept down on Fatima, scooped me up, and away we flew!
We are a few miles behind Ignacio, Alejandra, and the rest of the chickens. I can't wait to land and see their faces now that they are free!
Ah, what an exhilerating experience!
Dear Diary,
WE HAVE LANDED right in the middle of a tortilla farm! I haven't seen this much corn in a long time!! As everyone got off the plane they had a look of amazement... a look of ahhhh... a look of relief. Now we are all free! Those chickens didn't know what life was outside that chicken wire and they were about to find out! Abdul and I explanied to them that they need to venture out on their own... to visit far off places, like Enid, Oklahoma and El Paso, TX. After we explained everything and all of our adventures, those chickens were ready to pull up their tail feathers and take off on their own adventures! I feel like such a hero, diary. I have saved these chickens from the grip of that horrible man. When we all go our seperate ways in the morning, it will be sad to see them all leave... we all promised to stay in touch by cluck mail. Well, I better get some sleep, and Abdul needs his hump rubbed.
Till tomorrow dear diary!
Dearest Di,
We bid farewell to our fine feathered friends this morning. It was a tearful yet joyous goodbye as all of my chickenhearted cronies flew north to their own adventures. Some stayed together, others chose to venture on their own hoping to find their perfect soul mates like O'Rita and I. As a matter of fact, I had to put this hussy, Leticia, in her place after she started eyeing Abdul! The nerve of her after all I've been through for her! Needless to say, she flew off by telling where she is going!As for Ignacio and Alejandra, they decided last night that they are going to join Abdul and I on our next trip to none other than... Rio De Janiero, Brasil!!! It's Carnival time!!!! cluck cluck cluck! More later... we have a long trip to prepare for. And..Abdul has to prepare Fatima for 2 more travelers plus... I have to freshen up on my Portuguese!!
Até a vista!
What a LONG day. We had to get our passports to travel out of the US, and boy was it difficult! I hated every picture they took of me - I looked too pale, and my beak looked washed out. Finally, they took one that was HALF decent (I still don't think it looks like me, though). Abdul already has his passport, of course, so there was no worry for him... So, Ignacio and Alejandra are in the line waiting to get theirs, and once they do, we can be off! Fatima has been reconfigured for four of us (it's amazing what that carpet can do!). Abdul just rolls her up, whispers something to her, and when she is unrolled, she is different! She's now about the size of an area rug for a hotel lobby, so we'll have plenty of room to relax on our long trip. Don't tell Abdul, but I snuck out this morning for a little bit of shopping, and I bought my first BIKINI! It's so cute! Yellow with white daisies all over it... It's a thong, too! Abdul will go NUTS over it! I can hardly wait! I did buy a sarong to go over it in case Ignacio and Alejandra are offended by it, but I hope they're not prudish!
This could be so much fun, if they're just willing to let their manes down a little. Anyway, I got a few other things when I went shopping, but I don't have time to write now. Ignacio and Alejandra are coming toward us, and from the smiles on their heads, I believe we're all cleared to get going!
More later!
P.S. On a sad note, I read that Rosa Parks passed away last night. She is truly one of my heroes, and a great woman of history. Her mark will be felt forever on this world, and I know she is in a better place.
Well, we are flying high with a gaggle of Crested Carcara, the Mexican National Bird, on our way to Rio!!!! It will be about a 10 hour flight on Fatima... I hope her tassles don't get tired!
The Crested Carcara are showing us the way out of the Mexico, then we will be on our own till we land at the statue of Christ the Redeemer that stands at the top of the Cordova Mountain! It will be a beautiful sight!
I am trying to figure out what Abdul and I are going to dress as for Carnivale. I don't want to do anything too flashy, my bikini will be flashy enough! Ignacio and Alejandra are cuddled up in the corner with a nice cup of hot tea. Those two make such a cute couple!
Well diary, I'm going to put you down for a little while, we are going to be going through some clouds here in a bit!
PS: Abdul looks so cute with the wind blowing through his thick camel fur!
Oh Diary!
Just before dawn we landed atop of the Corcovado Mountain right at the left big toe of the statue of Christ the Redeemer. I can't put into words how I felt when we got here. I actually got goose pimples underneath my plume when I gazed up into the eyes of Jesus Christ as his arms were wide open welcoming us. Even Abdul got a tear in his eye..and he is Muslim! As for Ale and Ici, they were just as mystified as us! We have been here for 3 hours now not only enjoying the wonder of this extroidinary statue, but also gazing at the awesome panoramic views of Rio De Janeiro. Boy...I can't wait to hit the city so I can try out my new thong!! (I have a feeling Alejandra can't either...I saw something feathery with a string attached hanging out of one of her bags...i do hope it is faux feathers!) Cluckity Cluck!
I'll let you know about the rest of our visit for now...we are heading to our hotel right in the heart of the city!
Hey, Diary!
After looking around, we decided that we wanted to change our reservations, and found this beautiful oceanfront Sheraton Barra Hotel & Suites. It's right on Barra da Tijuca Beach! When we checked in, we met this beautiful Macaw Parrot named Anapaulalana, and she has agreed to show us around. Tonight we're going to a street festival with dancing and drinking, and I'm sure more devilish delights will follow.
Lana told us to meet her at 11:00 p.m. to go to the festival, so we're going to take a nap, do some shopping, and get something to eat. Abdul is calling me from the jacuzzi in our room, so I've got to go "relax" before the festivities tonight!
Well diary,
It has been a day FULL of shopping, eating and dancing!!! Alejandra wanted to go to the museum that is all about Carmen Miranda! She is a huge fan and after going through her museum... I am too!!! In fact, I have a new bowl of fruit I'm going to wear out tomorrow night in her honor!!! For dinner we went to the Vegetariano Social Club. Ignacio was SOOOO excited because he is a Vegetarian and he could eat anything!
At 11:00 we met Lana and she was ready to go out and show us the town...and show us she did!!!! We partied till the cows came home!!! Carnival is a WILD party; singing and dancing chickens and camels didn't stick out at ALL!!! It was a BLAST!!!!
Well, I'm a little tipsey and Adbul is already asleep, so I think I will turn in, too. I made a perfect nest next to Abdul.
Talk to you tomorrow, diary.